Thursday, October 17, 2013

Graphic Organizer

What scientist know for certain about the teenage brain…
How scientist interpret these facts…
What scientist still want to learn about the teenage brain…
·      Teenagers experience a wealth of growth in the synapses during adolescence

·      The prefrontal cortex is more immature in teenagers than in adults and may not fully develop until mid 20’s

·      When teenagers use the frontal lobe they over use it and tend to use more brain power than adults

·      Teenagers exhibited exaggerated responses to medium and large rewards compared to children and adults

·      Research found by doing MRI’s on teens while playing games

·      Watching developmental differences between children and adults

·      Comparing teen choices to adult choices
·      What changes in the brain while adolescence turns into adulthood

1 comment:

Ms. Becker said...

Very nice work. You clearly understood the article. Despite what you say, you are quite the brainiac! The directions asked you to share the link on your blog. You simply copied and pasted it. That's fine, but do you know how to share the link on your blog?